- Building domestic demand as the safest foundation for development
- Positioning the blueberry as a superfruit
- Building regular consumption habits is a priority
- A combination of "eat local" with "eat healthy, every day!"
- Integration of producers and engagement in nutritional education
Poland has a unique position to be able to produce quality blueberries. The country has really good weather in the harvest season, which is an advantage particularly with the rain protection structures and things like that
pointed out Cort Brazelton.
It's always a good thing to have a balance between export and domestic consumption and also the process consumption. When I started out in this business nearly 40 years ago, Australia was in a very similar situation, but today the domestic market takes up 95%. So if you can continue that balance across the way, your industry has got the world on its feet
Peter McPherson, Chairman of the International Blueberry Organization (IBO) told Polish growers.
The IBO Summit in Lublin was organized by the Foundation for the Promotion of Polish Blueberries and the event was partnered by the Association of Polish Blueberry Growers and the National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Groups. Both projects are financed by the Fruit and Vegetable Promotion Fund. Both are implemented under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
#IBOSummit2023 #PolishSuperFruits #PolandTastesGood
Source: Polish Blueberry Promotion Foundation, KZGPOiW, PolskieSuperowoce.pl

Źródło: Fundacja Promocji Polskiej Borówki, KZGPOiW, PolskieSuperowoce.pl
Publikację sfinansowano ze środków Funduszu Promocji Owoców i Warzyw w ramach realizacji przez Krajowy Związek Grup Producentów Owoców i Warzyw kamp. „Czas na polskie superowoce! V edycja."
Projekt jest realizowany pod honorowym patronatem Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi.